lunes, 27 de enero de 2014



GETTING STARTED                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
Can you complete the answer to the question? Then practice with a partner.
a. - what are you going to do for your next birthday?
b. - I think I’m going to do a party.

Grammar future with going to; indirect objects

Complete the questions using going to. Then write your own answers, using indirect object pronouns where necessary.

1. - Are you going to do anything special for your next birthday?
2. - Are you going to invite your friends over for a party?
3. – Is someone going to bake you a birthday cake?
4. – Are your parents going to buy you something nice?
5. – How old are your parents going to be on their next birthdays?
6. – Wath are you going to give your father for his birthday?

How about your mother? And your best friend?


What are you going to do tonight?                            Are you  going to go do the movies?
I´m going to stay home.

Listen. Match the two parts of each question. Then ask a partner the questions.
1. - are you going to   (E)                                         a. spend your next birthday with?
2. - How many cards are you going to     (C)         b. send anyone flowers this year?
3. - are you going to               (D)                             c. send this year?
4. - Who are you going to       (A)                            d. send anyone a card this month?
5. - are you going to                             (B)               e. buy anyone a gift this month?


What do people do on these special days? Find two expressions from the box for each event. What else do people do? Add ideas.

     out for a romantic dinner  

Blow out candles on a cake go

                                                              Wedding Day                                                                                                                               
                                                                  have a reception

                                                                Happy new Year                                                                                    

Valenty's Day



Can you complete the sentences? Use the conversation above to help you.
1. - ling´s family left Hong Kong until 1986.
2. - Ling lived in Sao Paulo until six years.
3. - Her family stayed there until she was six.
4. - They moved to Seattle Them came to San Francisco.
5. - They moved to San Francisco Three years ago.

Grammar be born; simple past (review); time expressions

Complete the sentences with time expressions so they are true for you. Then compare with a partner.

1. - I learned to ride a bicycle in 1998, when I was seven.
2. - My best friend was born twenty gen ago, in 1986.
3. - I played a musical instrument for 1986, until 2013.
4. - I went to elementary school until 1998, from 1993 to 1998.
5. - My family last went on vacation together in Miami, when 0

GRAMMAR determiners


·         Have                                                              live
·         Speak                                                           spoke
·         Few                                                               take
      Childhood  example of the unit

·         Peter: That´s a great baseball shirt, Ling.
·                     Are you from Seattle?
·         Mary: Um, Kind of. I lived there, but
·                     I wasn´t born there.
·         Peter: Oh, yeah? Where were born?
·         Mary: In Sao Paulo, actually.
·         Peter: Sao Paulo? Brazil?
·         Mary: Yeah. My parents were born in Hong Kong, but they moved to Sao Paulo in 1986, just before I was born.
·         Peter: Wow. How long did you live there?
·         Mary: Until was six. Then we moved to the U. S.
·         Peter: To Seattle?
·         Mary: Yeah. We lived there for ten years, and we came here to San Francisco about three years ago.
·         Peter: huh. So did you grow up bilingual?
       Mary: Well, we always spoke Chinese at home. I couldn´t  speak English until I went to school- And actually, I can still speak a little Portuguese.


Around Town

In unit 6, you learn how to.......

  • use Is there? and Are there? to ask about places in a town.
  • use location expressions like acrross from and aoutside.
  • use Can and Could to offer help and ask for directions.
  • talk about stores and favorite places in your city or town.
  • chek information by repeating key words. usig "checking" expressions and asking "echo" questions

Walter: excuse me, please. Is there an Internet café near here?
Mary: Uh….there´s one on Main Street  across from the big department store. It´s right up this street.
Walter: Thanks. Oh, and are there any cash machines around here?
Mary: yeah. There are some ATMs over there outside the bank, just across the street.

Walter: Oh, yeah. I see them. Thanks.

Walter: excuse me, please. Is there an Internet café near here?
Mary: Uh….there´s one on Main Street  across from the big department store. It´s right up this street.
Walter: Thanks. Oh, and are there any cash machines around here?
Mary: yeah. There are some ATMs over there outside the bank, just across the street.
Walter: Oh, yeah. I see them. Thanks.


Can you complete questions and answers? Practice with a partner.
1. - Boy is there a video arcade.                   2. - Man are there any pay phones
       near here?                                                       Around here?
      Jack Yes, there´s one on Beach                    Jack yes, there are some in front
       Street.                                                              Of the Happy planet Internet Café.

GRAMMAR Is there? Are there?; location expressions

Is there an intenet cafè near here?
Yes, there is. There one on Main Strret.
It's across form the department store.
No, there isn't (one)

Are there any cash machines near here?

Yes, there are. There are some outside the bank.
Yes, there's one over there 
No, there aren't (any)

Complete the questions with is there a or are there any. Complete the answers with one, some, any, and location expressions.

Katy: Is there a bank around here?
Peter: Yeah, there´s one rihg on Main Street.
             It´s next to the deli. Do you see sam´s Deli just across the street?
Katy: Oh, yeah. Can I park there? I mean, is there a parking lot?
Peter: Well, there´s one just behind the bank, but the  entrance is on Lincoln.
Katy: Are there any public restrooms there?
Peter: No, there aren´t any. But there´s a department store on the corner. Main and Third. I´m sure there are some there, inside the store.
Katy: Thanks. Oh, and is there a supermarket anywhere?
Peter: Uh, there´s one over there across posited the bank.
Katy: And one more thing are there shoe stores near here?
Peter: yes, there´s Riviera Shoes on main, between Second and Third Avenues.

SPEAKING NATURALLY. Word stress in compound nouns

Bookstore                  restroom                    pay phone

Offerst                                  Requests
Can I help you?                     Can you help me?
What can I do?                     Can you tell me how to get to the aquarium?
How can help?                      Could you give me directions?

Listen and complete the questions. Then ask answer the questions with a partner.
1. - are there any good bookstore near your home?
2. - Is the a big costere around here?
3. - Are there any pay phone outside this building.
4. - Is there a video arcade in this neighborhood.
5. - Is there a good department store near your home.
6. - Are there any chosh around here.

ü  Travel                                    repeat
ü  Ask                                        have
ü  Near                                      from
ü  Like

Walter: excuse me, please. Is there an Internet café near here?
Mary: Uh….there´s one on Main Street  across from the big department store. It´s right up this street.
Walter: Thanks. Oh, and are there any cash machines around here?
Mary: yeah. There are some ATMs over there outside the bank, just across the street.

Walter: Oh, yeah. I see them. Thanks.

STRATEGY PLUS "Echo questions"
In an "echo" questiions, you reat somethingh you heard, and you add a question word tocheck information you didn''t hear.

Here are some examples

A. The video arcaade is on Beach  Street

B, I'm sorry, it's where

A. It open at 10:00
B. Excuse me?It open at what time?



In Unit 7 you learn how to...
  • use infinitives to give reasons.
  • use it in sentences like it's easy to do.
  • ask for and give advice and suggestions.
  • talk about vacations and getting ready for a trip.
  • respond to suggestions.
  • use i guess to sound less sure about something.

Marisol: Are you ready for your trip to Puerto Rico?
Rita: Yeah,  kind of. But I still have a lot do! Need to
Go shopping to get a new suitcase, And I
still have To go online to find a cheap flight.
Marisol: Is it easy to find bargains on the internet.
Rita: Well it´s not too hard. You just have to do
Some research.
Marisol: So, where are you going exactly?
Rita: Well, first I´m going to  San Juan to see
My relatives, and then we´re all going
Someplace to go snorkeling.
Marisol: That sounds exciting.

Rita: Yeah. It´s going to be fun.


Can you complete the sentences? Use the conversation above to help you.
1. - Rita’s planning a trip to Puerto Rico to see her relatives.
2. - Rita still has to go on the internet to do some research on cheap flights.

3. - It´s not hard to see bargains online.

GRAMMAR Infinitives dor reasons; it's + adjetive + to....

I'm going to Puerto Rico to see my relatives

I need to go shopping to get suitcase.
I have to go online to find a flight.

Is it easy to find bargains online?
it's easy to do.
it's not hard to do

GRAMMAR Advice and suggestions

What should I take?
Should I take these shoes?
You should take a hat.
you shouldn't take high heels.
you should borrow your dad's hat
You need to have warm clothes

Do you want to pack some other shoes?.
Why don't you take a hay?
It's good idea to pack a jacket
Take a flashlight.
Don't fotget to pack some balferies.

Is it safe to pay online with a credit card?
Make sentences about things you have to do. Then match each sentence with a question some one might ask you.

1.- Get a phrase book/ learn some expressions    (E)  Is it hard to get a visa?
2.- call the embassy/ ask about a visa               (A)       is it safe to pay online with a credit card?
3.- go on the internet/ get a flight       (B)                        c. Is it easy to get around?
4.- call a travel agent/ get a hotel room                (F)     a. safe to carry a lot of cash?
5.- buy a guidebook/ find out about trains     (C)           e. Is it necessary to know the language?
6.- go to the bank/ change some money      (D)             f. Is it good to make reservations in             advance
·         Speak                                                know
·         Like                                                    love
·         Have                                                  writte

You can use I guess when you're not 100% sure about something, or if you don't want to sound 100% sure.



DATE OF BIRTH:  21/04/1992
SCHEDULE:  060476265-8
PHONE NUMBER (S): 0984790280/032 612 746

EXPECTATIONS MATTER: Learn more about the matter, and make the most of the semester pass without difficulty.